Day 1-From Dog River Marina in Mobile, Al to an anchorage in Bate's Lake near McIntoch, AL 69 miles-9 and1/2 hours
"We met this dredging ship in Mobile Bay"

"Water under this house shows the river level was still up"

Day 2-From Bate's Lake to Bobby's Fish Camp near Coffeeville,AL
65 miles plus one lock at the Coffeeville Dam- 9 hours
"Easter Sunrise on the Tombigbee River"

"Bank erosion caused by the high water"

"You can see how high the water had been on these trees"

"We were the only boat docked at Bobby's Fish Camp this time, but it was a good place to be when the storm came through during the night-even though the restaurant was closed"

Day 3- From Bobby's to anchorage in Bashi Creek near Morvin, Al
25 miles-3 hours (Short day in order to reach safe anchorage off the river)
"We anchored in Bashi Creek with another boat-Morning Star"

Day 4- From Bashi Creek to Demopolis Yacht Basin in Demopolis, AL.
71 miles and the Demopolis Lock- 9 hours