Day One-We passed through Aberdeen Lock and covered 23 miles before stopping for the night at Aberdeen Marina.
Day Two-36 miles traveled, locked through at Amory, Wilkins, and Fulton Dams. Docked at Midway Marina in Fulton, MS. Fuel at Midway was $2.59.
We timed our travel both days to arrive by 1:00 pm, just before the most intense heat of the day.
"Just a few of the thousands of May flies we encountered"

"Bugs require more cleaning, inside..."

"And Outside"

"Fertilizer being unloaded from barges"

"We were delayed at this lock due to maintenance work on the doors"
"We came upon these two girls we had read about. They are traveling the Great Loop in this small "Duraboat" as advertisement."
"Does this look like a still, hot morning in MS?"
"A bird's reflection in the still waters"