Having been interested in the US Customs/DEA/IRS auction for some time, we were finally able to attend. This auction requires about 5 days to participate. There is registration and previewing one day, the auction 2 days later, and then picking up purchases on another day. It's amazing to see all the items seized. We didn't bid on the truck load of Huggies Diapers that sold for $9000.00, but we did bid on the helicopter parts valued at $70,000.00. There was one other bidder who evidently knew the value of the parts. We stopped bidding and he won. Oh well, maybe we'll get a deal the next time! It was a very interesting auction to attend.
We stayed at a nice resort in Weston, just west of Ft. Lauderdale. In our spare time we shopped at the World's largest Outlet Mall, toured Ft. Lauderdale by vehicle and by water on the tour boat "Carrie B.". We ate at several great restaurants on the waterfront. We also drove 80 miles across the Everglades and toured Naples.
"We enjoyed the large pool at our resort"

"Many travel by water taxi in Ft. Lauderdale"

"This home was owned by the Six Million Dollar Man-Lee Majors"

"Muli-million dollar homes with yachts parked like cars line the Ft. Lauderdale waterfront"

"House used in filming the old Miami Vice T.V. series"

"We ate lunch at Roland Martin's Marina and Fishing Resort on the edge of Lake Okeechobee. He is a famous professional fisherman."

"Thousands of acres of sugar cane surrouding the processing facility"

"Post Office with one customer in Ochopee, Fl. in the Everglades