Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Visiting Maine in September

We recently enjoyed the official end of summer while in the state of Maine.  We flew into and out of Portland while spending most of our time in and around Bethel.  Bethel is a beautiful little village in the mountains about 1 and 1/2 hours inland from Portland.
We decided that the best word to describe Maine is "unspoiled".  This includes the coast, lakes, streams, the sparse population, the neatness and cleanliness, and the friendly people.  While enjoying all that Maine had to offer, we did observe signs that winter time there could be brutal.  We noticed tall markers to locate fire plugs buried in snow, stores that sell ice fishing equipment and snowmobiles, even special roofing to handle ice build-up.  The city provided a place to get fresh water during freeze-ups.
And yes, the fresh lobster was delicious!
Bethel Inn's original structure in use since 1913
Bethel Inn overlooks the 200 acre resort
 Bethel Inn's Cabin by the Lake

An otter's morning swim in the Androscoggin River

Special roofs for snow and ice buildup

One of many beautiful homes in the Village of  Bethel

Homes with attached barns were very common

The heated pool's indoor access for winter swims


A view from Bethel

Corkscrew Falls flows into Bear River north of Bethel

Amazing formations created by the river

One of Maine's many covered bridges



Fort Gorges protected Portland until the late 1860's

Portland Head Lighthouse, first lit Jan. 10, 1791