We have celebrated Abi's 7th birthday and Luke's 2nd. We went on an overnight trip to the Pisgah Inn on the Blueridge Parkway. We've also enjoyed soccer and cross country runs. The children had fun at several dove shoots. Then there was the Airshow at Warner Robbins followed by Hurricane Matthew at Hilton Head Island @ 2:45a/m on Oct. 8th. While some areas suffered extensive damage and the landscape of HHI will be changed forever, we escaped any damages. We now know with confidence that our condo can withstand an almost direct hit of a Category 2 hurricane at High Tide with 6-9 ft. storm surge prediction and near 100 mph winds!
Leaking water pipe brought down our ceiling
Abi's Egyptian Party with pyramid cake and the Nile River
Luke blowing the candle on his Mickey cake
No party is complete without the water slide
Enjoying the view from the Pisgah Inn. High enough elevation, there is no air conditioning
Looking down on the mountaintops
Connor's first soccer season
Abi is an old pro now
Logan, quite the player
Abi pacing her run at Magnolia Springs, she won lots of ribbons this season!
Just before heading out to the dove shoot
Grits with Grandparents at EBA
Thunderbirds preparing for their show
Logan at the controls of a Blackhawk
This scene is repeated all over Hilton Head Island
This palm was our most significant hurricane loss
"Matthew the Mingo" evacuated to our house and decided to stay!