After nearly two months away for all the holidays, it was good to get back onboard Play Dough. Capt. John Green had taken good care of her while we were away. Capt. John had waxed and buffed the boat and has her looking good.

Since arriving back in Mobile, we have spent some time preparing the boat for the next leg of the trip. Over the next two months we plan to cruise East then back West along the Intracoastal Waterway, stopping in several towns on the Florida coast along the way. On March 15th we should be headed back North on the Mobile River.
We have taken advantage of having our car here and we are doing some sightseeing in the area. So far we've toured Battleship Memorial Park and Bellingrath Home & Gardens. We could not take pictures inside the Bellingrath Home, but we did get photos in the gardens. The gardens are beautiful even in the winter.

"Battleship USS Alabama"
"One of Four Props that moved the USS Alabama"

"View of Bellingrath Home from across the lake"

"Waterfall in Bellingrath Gardens"

"Beautiful winter blossoms in the gardens."

"Fountain of Angels"

"One of many beautiful pathways in Bellingrath Gardens"
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