Our timing and rain cycles can't seem to get in sync. As we stated before, once the rain came through and peeked the river levels we went home to let the waters subside. After returning to Mobile, finishing up our maintainence work and getting ready to go, a rainy weekend was in the forecast. Once again the rivers are projected to rise above floodstage within the next week. We've become quite familiar with the Mobile area. We have spent more time here than we had intended to spend in any one town along our voyage.
As we continue to tour the Gulf Coast and wait on the rivers to receed, we are looking at several alternative trip plans. We have a couple of weeks in the current window and our closest marina to the north is at Demopolis, AL, a four day run from Mobile.
There is still a lot of evidence of the hurricanes around the Biloxi area:
- Lots of empty lots along the beachfront with only concrete slabs left in place
-Many partial boat docks that haven't been rebuilt
-Some partial buildings left standing, some of them being worked on and some abandoned
Many of the hotel-casinos have been replaced and are up and running.
"One of many buildings destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in Biloxi"

"Hurricane damaged home being rebuilt"

"The Biloxi Fire Department still has missing walls from storm damage"

"Biloxi Casino"

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